This course is introduced with the purpose to explore Global Human Resource Management (GHRM) as a means/methods/process to manage people in global companies. If a company wishes to succeed in this age of global competition, it is essential it recognises that people are its most important asset. From this proactive perspective of HRM we study both empirical and theoretical issues emerging in global business. This course includes sessions on strategic human resource management, the context of HRM, work/work organisation, health and safety, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, appraisal and performance management, reward management, human resource development, employee relations and union/management relations.



In this course, students will be:

1.      Exposed to how MNCs balance the integration and localisation of their management systems.

2.      Taught major approaches to MNCs take to the staffing and management of international operations, and how this is interdependent with the management of domestic operations. This includes learning about the management of expatriates, local managers and third country nationals, and the developments of global leaders.

3.      To learn about the HRM institutions and underlying values of representative countries in Asia, and how new management trends may be applicable in these venues (or not).