Law is a
regulator of relations in human society. It regulates relationships between
individuals and between the state and citizens. Law as a discipline has been
classified into different branches; public law and private law, civil and
criminal law, substantive and procedural law.
Public law regulates
relationships between the citizens and the state while private law deals with
the relationship between citizens on matters that are private and primarily
determined by parties to such relationship with little interference from the
Public law
can be further sub-divided into; constitutional law, criminal law, and
administrative law. Private law on the other hand covers subjects like; family
law, law of tort, maritime law, law of trust and equity, law of contract,
company law, law of agency and hire purchase, sale of goods, partnership law,
Thus, of all branches of private
law, commercial law is perhaps the most important branch because it encompasses
legal issues relating to commercial or business transactions.
central thrust of this module is commercial law. Commercial law as it regulates
business or contractual relations. As a law related subject, this module will
apprise relevant laws and commercial practices that are related to commercial
transactions and management.
importantly, this module will provide students with the basic knowledge of the
English and Malaysian Legal Systems on the subject of commercial law and other
areas of law relevant to the study of accounting and finance, commerce,
business and management.
In a nut shell this module will provide students with
the basic knowledge of the English and Malaysian Legal Systems and the main
areas of law relevant to the study of
accounting and finance, commerce, business and management.